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Palm Desert

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Cost: $28 per person if postmarked by 9-6-14.
From 9-7-14 to 9-10-14 $30 per person - CALL for
Reservations.  After 9-10-14, “Stand-by List”
on site—if seats are available.
 For Reservations or Questions:
                      call Jane at (760) 610-5928

You are invited to a Visitation sponsored by 

Palm Desert Chapter 

Saturday, March 8, 2025

9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Woodhaven Country Club

41555 Woodhaven Drive East

Palm Desert, CA 92211

Guest Speaker: Susan Murphy


or Contact Louise Erickson at 760-702-0068 or email at

For Hotel Accommodations:

Corporate Account Agreements are available through:

1) Indian Wells Resort Hotel - Group #6951

76661 Palmeras Road, CA-111, Indian Wells, CA 92210

(760) 345-6466

2) Homewood Suites by Hilton

36999 Cook Street, Palm Desert, CA 92211

(760) 568-1600


Noreen Fortier, Coordinator: 760-702-0254

 Louise Erickson, Assistant Coordinator: 760-702-0068

Jeanne Potter, Secretary: 760-360-1531

Maryann Spencer, Assistant Coordinator: 818-884-0104

Christina Silvas, Treasurer:760-835-2508



Diocesan Approval by Bishop Alberto Rojas

Spiritual Advisor: Fr. Mike Barry, SS.CC


A Love Offering is appreciated. Please mail check payable to:

Magnificat, 42215 Washington St., Ste. A #403 Palm Desert, CA 92211


Click here to donate.

Go to and click on DONATE

Complete Online Donation Form under Chapter Share 5 Star Campaign 

Select Palm Desert under the box titled "Designated Chapter".


Call Louise Erickson (760) 702-0068

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